Root Riot Propagation Kit
Root Riot Propagation Kit

Root Riot Propagation Kit


This propagation kit is a bundle of all the essential tools and ingredients for starting plants. All you need to add is your seeds of choice. Give your hydroponic grow the best possible start with the following ingredients: ContainsStuart propagatorRoot Riot Cubes 24 PackClonex 50mlFormulex 100mlSurgical scalpel Normal price to buy each item individually is…

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Product Description

This propagation kit is a bundle of all the essential tools and ingredients for starting plants. All you need to add is your seeds of choice. Give your hydroponic grow the best possible start with the following ingredients:


  • Stuart propagator
  • Root Riot Cubes 24 Pack
  • Clonex 50ml
  • Formulex 100ml
  • Surgical scalpel

Normal price to buy each item individually is £18.34 (calculated March 2011) so that’s a massive 18% saving!